A photo of Pimples, Excess Hair and Dry Skin

Original Article and Video by Dr. Liza Ramoso-Ong

Tips To Avoid Pimples:

Teenagers and women tend to get more pimples because of hormonal fluctuations. Genetics, stress, sunbathing and use of oral contraceptive pills may also predispose you to get pimples. Here are some advice:

Doc Liza Ong teaches a beauty regimen.

Tie your hair

When your hair touches your face, this can cause pimples. You can use a ponytail, clip, hair band or bandana.

Keep your hair clean and shampoo regularly.

When you sleep with dirty hair, the dirt can get smudged on your pillow and face, thus giving you a pimple in the morning.

Wash your face daily.

Use an anti-bacterial soap or sulfur soap if you have pimples.

Learn about the “T” zone of your face. This “T” comprises the oily areas of our face, which includes the top part of our eyebrows down to the nose area.

Don’t prick the pimple.

This can cause scar and infection.

For starting pimples, use cotton buds to apply alcohol or povidone iodine. You can do this 2-3 times a day.

There are other special treatment for pimples like creams and antibiotics. Consult your doctor for hard-to-treat pimples.

Hair Removal Options:

Some women have an abundant growth of hair in the legs, armpits, eyebrows and other areas. Here are some options to consider:


Use a shaver to shave the armpits or legs. Just be careful with skin cuts. Wet your skin first with soap and water before shaving.


Many women pull unwanted hair using tweezers. This is more painful and may cause infections. Clean tweezers with rubbing alcohol before and after using.


Waxing is usually done in beauty parlors.


Laser treatment is performed by a dermatologist. This is quite expensive but the results are more permanent.


From experience, we don’t suggest over-the-counter creams, because this can cause skin injury if used too long.

Petroleum Jelly For Very Dry Skin:

Petroleum Jelly is an effective remedy for many skin conditions. It seals off the skin from air and water, allowing the skin to heal itself. It does not dry up easily unlike other lotions and oils.

Petroleum jelly has been recommended by several dermatologists for many uses:

  1. For dry and chapped lips during the cold weather, apply petroleum jelly to your lips.
  2. For very dry skin, petroleum jelly is the most effective moisturizer available. It contains more oil than any other lotion and is effective in locking in moisture of the body.
  3. For diaper rashes in babies, petroleum jelly may be used to lessen pain and redness of the skin.
  4. For painful and dry nose, use petroleum jelly to lubricate the nose.
  5. Petroleum jelly is cheap, and it costs only 50 pesos per bottle. Ask your dermatologist about the use of petroleum jelly. Find out if it is applicable for your skin condition.

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